A. First normalization (1NF):-
i. Each attribute of the table should be unique.
ii. Each value of the table should be atomic.
iii. There should not be any duplicate rows.
B. Second normalization (2NF):-
i. It should be in first normal form.
ii. Non-key attributes are functionally dependent on the key – attribute. X à y or, X
determines Y
Or, X determinant and Y is dependent.
iii. If the key has more than one attributes then no non-key attributes should be
functionally dependent upon a past of the key attributes.
C. Third normalization ( 3NF ):-
A relation is 3NF if and only if it satisfies 2NF and every non-key attributes is
non-transitively dependent on the primary key.
Roll_no à year , year à hostel_name , Roll_no à hostel_name
D. Boyce-code normal form (BCNF):-
A 3NF relation will not be BCNF if there are multiple candidate keys in the
relation such that,
i. The candidate keys in the relation are composite keys &
ii. The keys are not disjoint , that is candidate keys overlap.