Showing posts with label JAVA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JAVA. Show all posts

Saturday, November 28, 2015

What is JAVA? What are major feature of Java Programming language?


              Java is a high level programming. Language. It was introduced by “SUN MicroSystems” in June 1995. It was officially released in November 1995. It was developed by a team under James Gosling. Its original name was “OAK” meant for consumer electronic devices and later renamed to Java. Java has become the standard for Internet applications. It provides interactive processing and easy use of graphics and animation on the Internet.

Major Features of JAVA Programming Language:-
   Simple :-
               Java follows the syntax of C and Object Oriented principles of C++. It eliminates the complexities of C and C++. Therefore, Java has been made simple.
                     It is an Object-Oriented prgg.lang. The object model in Java is simple. Although influenced by its procedures. It was designed to be source code compatible with any other lang.
Plot form Independent:-
                Plot form is the combination of operating system and microprocessor. Java in all plot forms. It is achieved by JVM(Java Virtual Machine). The philosophy of java isWrite Once, Run any where” (WORA).
               Java is strictly a typed lang. It has both a compiler and an interpreter. Compiler checks code at run time and garbage collection is taking care of by java automatically. Thus it is a robust lang.
                 java developers have taken all care to make it a secure prgg.lang. For Ex. Java Applets are restricted from Disk I/O of local machine.
                Java is designed for the distributed environment of the Internet. It handles TCP/IP protocols. Java’s remote method invocation (RMI) make distributed prgg. Possible.
                    Java was designed to meet the real-world requirement. To achieve this, java supports multithreaded prgg. It is the ability to run any things simultaneously.
                 Java prgrs.carry with them a substantial amount of runtime type information. That is run time. This makes it possible to dynamically link code in a safe and secure manner.