Tuesday, November 24, 2015

What is switching? Explain the space-division switching and time-division switching.

               A communication network consists of a collection of devices (or nodes) that wish to communicate and inter-connect together. The primary objective in any communication network is simply moving information from one source to one or more destination nodes.
Space Division Switching:-
            In space-division switching each input takes a different physical path in the switch matrix depending on the out-put. Hence, when a connection is established through a space switch matrix, a permanent physical contact is made on the matrix of cross-points. The connection will be maintained throughout the call duration. This technology can be primarily developed to accommodate analog transmission. Figure Below.............
Time Division Switching:-
             Time division switch, the n input lines are scanned in sequence to build up an input frame with n slots. Each slot has k bits. For T1 switches, the slots are 8 bits, with 8000 frames processed per second. The heart of the time division switch is the time slot interchanger, which accepts input frames and produces output frames, in which the time slots have been reordered according to mapping table in the memory of the switch. Finally, the output frame is de-multiplexed with output slot 0 going to line 0, and so on. In essence, the switch moves data from input lines to output lines according to the mapping table even though there are no physical connections between these lines. Figure below.............