Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Create a html page to demonstrate the usage of physical and logical text formatting tags.

            <title> text formattin tag </title>
     <body bgcolor='green' text='white'>
    <h1> 10 Logical & 10 physical text formatting tags</h1>
    <h2>Logical Tags</h2>
    - <EM> Indicates that characters should be emphasized Usually displayed in italics. </EM><BR>
    - <STRONG> Emphasizes characters more strongly displayed in a bold font </STRONG><BR>
    - <CODE> Indicates a sample of code Usually displayed in a Courier font.</CODE><BR>
    - <KBD> Used to offset text that the user should enter.</KBD><BR>
    - <VAR> Indicates a variable Often displayed in italics</VAR><BR>
    - <CITE> Indicates short quotes Often italized by browsers.</CITE><BR>
    <ADDRESS> - Address tag </ADDRESS>
    - <INS> Insert the text </INS><BR>
    - <DEL> Delete the text </DEL><BR>
    - <DFN> DFN tag </DFN><BR>

    <h2> Physical Tags</h2>
    -<B> Indicates that the text should be bold. </B><br>
    -<I> Indicates that the text should be italic. </I><br>
    -<TT> Indicates that the text should be used with a font such as Courier.</TT><br>
    -<BIG> Indicates that the text should be displayed in a big font.</BIG><br>
    -<SMALL> Indicates that the text should be displayed in a small font.</SMALL><br>
     - Indicates that the text should be subscript. Eg:- H<SUB>2</SUB>O <br>
     - Indicates that the text should be superscript. Eg:- a<sup>2</sup> + b<sup>2</sup> = (a+b)<sup>2</sup> - 2ab<br>
    - <U> Indicates that the text should be underlined.</U> <br>
    - <STRIKE> Define strike </strike>
