Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Create a simple html page to demonstrate the basic structural tags of HTML.


                <title> simple html page </title>
     <body bgcolor='green' text='white'>
            <h2><pre> Introduction of HTML</pre></h2>
                                    * An html stands for hyper text markup language.<br>
                                    * HTML allows us to create a static wev page.<br>
                                    * HTML is not a case sensetive language.<br>
                                    * HTML focus an how to display the data rather than<br>
                                       what is the learning data used in a page.<br>
                                    * The standarization of HTML is update managed by a consortium<br>
                                       called world wide web consortium (w3c) w3c is a forum.<br>
                                    * The latest standared of HTML is HTML5.<br>
                                    * The html tags are rendered by web browser.<br>
